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LILLY is a powerful dramatic film starring Patricia Clarkson, John Benjamin Hickey and Thomas Sadoski and directed by Rachel Feldman. Based on the remarkable true story of working-class hero, Lilly Ledbetter, a hard-working Alabama tire factory supervisor whose singular goal is to lift her family into the middle class. Having grown up in poverty, she endures a work environment plagued by pervasive harassment for the sake of the best paycheck in the county. As retirement approaches, Lilly discovers that the system has been cheating her, paying her close to half of what the men with the same jobs are earning. Outraged, Lilly fights this injustice to the Supreme Court, the corridors of Congress and eventually The White House all while powerful forces try to shut her down. LILLY follows the transformation of an ordinary citizen into the face of an issue, illuminating the impact a single, courageous person can have.

Blue Harbor Entertainment will release LILLY exclusively in theatres on May 9.

Upcoming Screenings and events

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